About Accreditation
Background from the Founder, Dr. Paul Leon Masters
“Since the inception of my work in the Metaphysical field in 1959 to our first graduating class of ministers in 1963, one of my first priorities was to maintain honesty and integrity and bring greater legitimacy to the field of Metaphysical spirituality.
My intention was for higher Metaphysical education and Metaphysical spirituality to gain further acceptance in the world as a realistic alternative or addition for people who could not be nourished spiritually by traditional religions.
In this way, our students, graduates, ministers, healers, and teachers can give the entire field of Metaphysical spirituality greater legitimacy and public acceptance for its schools, counselors, coaches, and wellness ministers.”
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
The International Metaphysical Ministry (IMM), a 501(c)3 non-profit tax-exempt organization, is the parent body of the University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona engaging in private, postsecondary, distance learning religious education. Our degrees are awarded in regard to professional ministerial work done in relation to teachings, directly or indirectly associated with modules appearing within the coursework of our university system and falls under the jurisdiction of private postsecondary education.
Graduates have the legal right to use degree titles awarded in conjunction with the ministerial status conferred with the option to be either an active or non-active Minister with the IMM. The curriculum includes a synthesis of holistic, metaphysical, transcendent, esoteric, transpersonal, psychical, psychological, yogic, and mystical lessons blended masterfully together. These lessons can be applied in practical ways to improve individual lives, society, and humanity.
The information presented below is meant to clarify the puzzling question about accreditation. Accreditation is not yet available for institutions that are purely spiritual or religious, that is, with no secular subjects like Calculus, English Literature, Biology, Chemistry, Math and so on. And, by focusing entirely on one subject—the study of Metaphysical spirituality—students can complete a bachelor’s degree program including ordained ministry certification or a complete doctoral degree program in far less time than it would take to complete a secular degree.
Accrediting Detail for Prospective Students
Metaphysics degrees granted by IMM are religious in nature and are earned solely by the study of Metaphysical teachings with an emphasis on spirituality. Because Metaphysical degrees are religious in nature, the U.S. Department of Education, under U.S. Federal Law, can neither praise, credit, discredit, nor accredit Metaphysical institutions.
The founding fathers of the United States of America, in order to guarantee a republic based on religious freedom, created a distinct division between the government and religion. This basic precept is commonly known to most U.S. citizens as The Separation of Church and State, but may not be as well known outside the U.S. Simply stated, this foremost principle of religious freedom maintains that the government will not become involved in matters dealing with religious beliefs, or things of a spiritual nature, and no religion will seek to involve itself in governmental affairs.
Worldly or secular matters are in the domain of the U.S. Government, while the non-secular spiritual realm of individuals and society is off-limits to the Government. Since the International Metaphysical Ministry (IMM), the parent religious organization of the University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona, is legally recognized by the United States Federal Government as a non-secular, spiritual/metaphysical 501(c)3 non-profit tax-exempt organization, the U.S. Department of Education in Washington, D.C. must adhere to the founding precepts of religious freedom and those of the Separation of Church and State. Therefore, it must refrain from all comment, opinion, or intrusion.
Given that the U.S. Department of Education, by law, can neither praise, credit, discredit, nor accredit a non-secular institution of Higher Consciousness/Spiritual Education, we offer the following list of points for individuals to consider when choosing an institution in which to pursue their Higher Consciousness Spiritual Education.
Look for Qualities Other Than Accreditation
Instead of choosing a school based on accreditation—which does not exist in the spiritual Metaphysical field—the choice should be centered upon the longevity of the school’s existence, the years of actual professional experience of the Founder or current president of the school, and the honesty and integrity of its reputation over a long period of time.
Our intention is to fulfill the need for those who are committed to studying metaphysical spirituality so that they may achieve the necessary knowledge and qualifications that warrant their professional recognition in a specialized metaphysical approach to spirituality where accreditation is not necessary.
Professional recognition is earned once a student has demonstrated that they understand the material within our comprehensive course of study. This is accomplished by passing the exams and submitting their master’s thesis and doctoral dissertation for review and approval by our qualified thesis and dissertation advisors. Only then are our degrees awarded.
If a person’s focus is to be active in a Transpersonal, Transcendent, Theocentric, Holistic, New Thought Metaphysical Ministry, there is no need that the school be accredited—only that the school’s curriculum adequately prepares its degree graduates with the schooling necessary to function in a professional ministerial capacity in the Transpersonal, Transcendent, Theocentric, Holistic, New Thought Metaphysical field.
What is the History of the Institution/Organization?
A Metaphysical degree is only as good as the organization with which it is associated. Degrees from the University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona are granted under the auspices of the International Metaphysical Ministry.
Dr. Masters had over half a century of development in research, teaching, and awarding ministers diplomas and degrees throughout the world. Dr. Masters, the Founder in 1959, was careful to appoint officers to succeed him when he would eventually transition into the Light, so that his International Metaphysical Ministry and religious/spiritual universities could continue on with the work he started.
In the current economic climate—many businesses, including schools, are going out of business or ceasing to operate. Both common sense and intuitive spiritual sense should be applied in making a decision as to which school to choose. Whichever school is considered, the applicant should ask the question, “will the school I enroll in be there tomorrow so that I may finish my studies—and will they be there after I graduate?”
The IMM University System with its history of over five decades of development has proven and established that its organization has had the spiritual and material resources and power to sustain many previous recessions in the economy. No other currently operating Metaphysical degree-granting ministry comes close to this record of endurance.
What is the Institution’s Experience and Reputation?
The International Metaphysical Ministry is the largest Transpersonal, Transcendent, Theocentric, Holistic, New Thought Metaphysical Ministry in the world, with successful and respected ministers, teachers, counselors, healers, and coaches in over 125 countries. We have graduated far more ordained Metaphysical ministers—over 16,000—than any other Metaphysical denomination or ministry in the world. For the last several years, we have had approximately 10,000 registered active ministries. Dr. Masters, founder of the IMM University System, had over six decades of research and teaching in Metaphysics from A to Z—from alchemy and astrology to Zen and Zoroastrianism.
Our reputation for over five decades has been and continues to be, the leader of Higher Consciousness Education in the Metaphysical field. We rely on our unblemished reputation of over half a century, and we have always operated with honesty and integrity.
For these reasons, we believe that the University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona provide the wisest choices for pursuing your non-secular degree(s) in Higher Consciousness Education.
The International Metaphysical Ministry, the parent body of the University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona is chartered in the states of Arizona and California as a religious organization offering courses that are spiritual in nature. Falling under the jurisdiction of private postsecondary education, the International Metaphysical Ministry obtained the filing requirements for religious exclusion with exempt status.
The International Metaphysical Ministry has the full legal right to award the diplomas and degrees it offers to its graduates. Our degrees are awarded in regard to professional ministerial work done in relation to teachings, directly or indirectly associated with lessons appearing within the ministry lessons of our university system. Graduates have the full legal right to use doctoral titles awarded in conjunction with the ministerial status conferred.
Legalities for Teaching, Counseling, and Healing in Metaphysics
In seeking doctoral recognition in the Metaphysical field, it is very important that you understand the legalities. This will help you to understand why your doctoral degree program is set up the way it is.
First, the field of Metaphysics as it exists today does not fall under the label of Psychology, which is the closest to it of all established professional fields. The explanation for this is that most Metaphysical teachings incorporate, or have as their main theme, the spiritual nature of the human being. Hence, many years back, Metaphysics was established as Spiritual Philosophy and, thus, under existing state laws nationwide, was placed in the legal classification of Religion.
Anyone that you see teaching, counseling or healing in Metaphysics today if doing so with legal protection, is operating in the field of Religion and has a legal ministerial status. They may choose not to advertise this fact or call attention to it unless challenged to do so, unless, of course, they have chosen to open up a clearly apparent spiritual center or church.
Your own legal right to teach, counsel, or heal in the contemporary field of Metaphysics today is determined by having an ordained ministerial status, not upon a doctoral degree in Metaphysics. The primary purpose of the doctoral degree is to establish a highly professional image of you as a person who is truly educated in Transpersonal, Transcendent, Theocentric, Holistic, New Thought Metaphysics and has taken the time to obtain a doctoral level of knowledge.
For the reasons stated, therefore, you must have a ministerial status to practice legally. As explained in our catalog, you may obtain such ministerial status through our degree program. The subjects covered in the curriculum of this course are listed further on in this catalog.
Ministerial status with the International Metaphysical Ministry is, therefore, a prerequisite for studying and earning a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral degree from our universities. Also, you may earn a doctoral degree from the University of Metaphysics or University of Sedona if you already possess ministerial standing with another organization; however, you will still need to achieve ministerial status with the International Metaphysical Ministry.