Bachelor’s Degree in Metaphysical Science, B.Msc.
Includes Ordained Minister’s and Practitioner’s Program
Bachelor’s Degree in Metaphysical Science, B.Msc.
The Bachelor’s in Metaphysical Science, B.Msc., is offered through the University of Metaphysics in conjunction with the Ordained Minister’s Program. You have the option to be an active or non-active minister. The program consists of 48 study modules with open-book examination questions for each module. Written by Dr. Paul Leon Masters, Founder of the International Metaphysical Ministry (IMM) and its university system, the curriculum synthesizes psychology, the holistic, transcendent, transpersonal, and mystical, blended beautifully together through decades of higher consciousness research and tested result applications to improve people’s lives.
Upon successful completion of the entirety of the Bachelor’s Degree Program, you will be awarded your Bachelor’s Degree, Ordained Metaphysical Minister’s Certificate, and Metaphysical Practitioner’s Diploma. You have the option to enroll in the Bachelor’s Program only, or the full Doctoral Degree Program.
Ordained Metaphysical Minister’s Certificate
The minister’s certificate is awarded at the same time as your bachelor’s degree and demonstrates that you have taken Transpersonal, Transcendent, Theocentric, Holistic, New Thought Metaphysically oriented studies. Ordained ministry status provides the legal right to engage in counseling, spiritual healing work, perform marriages and other ministerial rights, and is also the legal basis for awarding and maintaining your doctoral degree.
Please note that if you establish an independent ministry, you must do so in accordance with the laws of your state, county, province or country.
Metaphysical Practitioner’s Diploma
The awarding of the Metaphysical Practitioner’s Diploma demonstrates you have studied the principles and practices of spiritual mind healing of physical, emotional, and other life problems. This is awarded at the same time as your bachelor’s degree and ordination diploma.
Admission Requirements and Study Materials
Bachelor’s Degree Program Curriculum Modules
Bachelor’s Degree Program Curriculum Excerpts
View our Webinar: A University Student’s Journey: Enrollment through the Bachelors
of Metaphysical Science Degree
This instructional and motivational tool gives step-by-step procedures for attaining the Bachelors of Metaphysical Science, B.Msc., the Practitioner Diploma, and joining the International Metaphysical Ministry. Click on the link to view on Vimeo:
Bachelor’s Degree Program Scholarship Fund
It is our intention to award prospective students affordable tuition rates and the opportunity to participate in Metaphysical Studies and Higher Consciousness Education. Therefore, through the continuing support and generous donations received from our Alumni Association members, we currently offer scholarships to all enrolling students significantly reducing the regular program tuition by 80%.
Enroll in the All Inclusive Bachelor’s Master’s, Doctoral Degree Program