Dr. KellyRae Brown, Ph.D.
KellyRae has earned her Ph.D. in Pastoral Counseling Psychology through the University of Sedona. As an experienced mediator, counselor, life coach and an ordained minister with over 25 years of experience, she finds this life purpose to be very gratifying as well as awe-inspiring.
It is her intention to bring clarity to situations and provide tools to enable people to lead fuller, happier, and more productive lives. She particularly enjoys counseling/coaching, as she believes it is both a humbling and rewarding experience. Furthermore, she believes it’s a blessing as well as an honor to assist with effectuating positive change in someone’s life.
Both her professional and personal experiences encompass divorce, death of loved ones, sexual abuse, abandonment issues surrounding being a single parent, career changes, and massage therapy. As a massage therapist, she often times combines massage and counseling/coaching as a mode of treatment due to the effectiveness these two modalities serve in releasing pain and issues stored in the client’s body, resulting more often times than not in a positive life transforming outcome.
On a personal note, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading/studying philosophy, and belly dancing. She believes these things are what keep her grounded and expressive at the same time.
Authentic You
Sacramento, CA
Telephone: 916-370-8154
Email: krb@strengthinsensitivity.com
Website: www.strengthinsensitivity.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1210331392376921/