2013 Graduation Video and Picture Gallery
Graduates Gather For Graduation Ceremony Rehearsal
Dr. Caldwell And Administration Director Michelle Behr Giving Dress Rehearsal Instructions for Graduation Ceremony
Bachelors Degree Graduates Filing In
Dr. Richard Caldwell Addressing Graduates
Masters Degree Graduates Filing In
Doctoral Degree Graduates Filing In
Founder, Dr. Paul Leon Masters, Speaking To Graduates
Graduates Seated During Graduation Ceremony
Inspirational Singer Mortonette Singing At Graduation Ceremony
Ministers Taking Ordination Vows
Some Of The Graduates Posing For Pictures With the Founder After Receiving Their Degrees On Stage
After the Graduation
After Graduation Ceremony Family And Friends Gather With Some Of The Graduates To Celebrate
On The Beautiful Grounds Graduates And Others Attending Enjoy The After Graduation Atmosphere