Dr. Paul Leon Masters
History and Timeline

Founder of the International Metaphysical Ministry
University of Metaphysics and University of Sedona
January 1, 1935 – January 10, 2016
As far back as he could remember, Paul Leon Masters was drawn to the mysteries of life, the universe, the mind, the soul, and the Presence of a Higher Intelligence—or God—behind creation. In his teens, he decided to pursue his interests by becoming a member of the Rosicrucians and the Mayans (similar to the Rosicrucians, but based in Texas). The more he learned throughout his life, the more he envisioned a synthesis of science, psychology, transcendentalism and mysticism so that eventually, absolute spiritual truth and absolute scientific psychological truth complement and explain each other as one reality.
Rev. Cindy Paulos interviews Founder, Dr. Paul Leon Masters (2014)
In this 2014 radio interview, Dr. Masters and Rev. Cindy Paulos share their personal experiences regarding their own meditation practices. Dr. Masters describes how a daily practice gives one insight to a greater reality other than one’s everyday 5-sense perception, creating a higher level of awareness that carries over into day to day life. Through mystical meditation, benefits may include inner peace, connection to the still, small voice within, and awakening one’s consciousness to a deeper understanding of themselves and others. Dr. Masters’ spent over 40 years on higher consciousness research and it is the basis of his teachings within the IMM University System.
Seeking the Mystical
The nature of reality—or speculative philosophy—is what most interested Dr. Masters. This comprises the basic premise of Mind and Universe leading to such foundational questions as, who am I; what am I; where am I; and where am I going? What he studied caused him to seek more knowledge about the mystical as well as any form of psychology that had an appreciation of the mystical. He also found that what he had learned, when applied to the lives of others, seemed to help them. This led him to seek a school that had a degree program in tune with the mystical/psychological path he wished to pursue. Traditional universities, particularly in the 1950s, did not offer anything close to what he was seeking.
The Institute of Parapsychology
He was diligent in his search until finding a nontraditional school where he could learn more about mystical teachings, as well as spiritual psychology, and in 1953 he enrolled in that college. He graduated with a doctorate in 1959 and went on to create his own metaphysical research and teaching organization: the Institute of Parapsychology, located in Beverly Hills, California. Eager to further his knowledge, he enrolled in another metaphysical college in 1960 called the New Thought Science Institute of Los Angeles, California, this time focusing on New Thought teachings. He graduated with a second doctorate three years later. Originating around the 1830s, New Thought schools, centers, and institutes began emerging quickly during the 1950s and 1960s, especially in California. Most operate today under the auspices of the International New Thought Alliance. The integration of spiritual, metaphysical, and philosophical teachings within the New Thought movement was widely received and continues its expansion to this day.
Higher Consciousness Research
A true pioneer, in subsequent decades Dr. Masters spent countless hours with thousands of people conducting higher consciousness research—all of which enormously expanded what he originally learned in the 1950s and early 1960s. He founded the National Metaphysics Institute in 1965, conducting research on the spiritual heights and potentials of mind and spirit, which produced even more information from which he could teach others. Ultimately, he hoped to encourage others to research further into the nature and source of consciousness and the ways in which such knowledge could be practically applied to human life.
Contributions to Mystical Psychology
Dr. Masters’ contributions to the field of mystical psychology were those of a trail-blazer. Having founded the University of Metaphysics (1976), he then founded the International Metaphysical Ministry (1989) to accommodate the world-wide interest and enrollment in his courses. Fourteen years after that, he founded the University of Sedona (2003). He deservedly earned recognition as the world’s foremost teacher of metaphysical doctors, teachers, counselors, life coaches, wellness practitioners, and ministers, offering self-paced, distance–learning degree programs in Transpersonal, Transcendent, Theocentric, Holistic, New Thought Metaphysics. But the most important achievements of all Dr. Paul Masters’ efforts were the support and advancement of higher consciousness research, education, and advanced New Thought Metaphysics.
Universal God Guidance from Within
As far as the wisdom and knowledge he gained, he gave full credit to prolonged contact with the Universal God Guidance from within himself during his experiences in higher consciousness meditation. People throughout the world, from all walks of life, have similarly heard an inner calling to help themselves help others through higher spiritual understanding and awareness. They have been able to fulfill their inner promptings as a result of learning about their true inner guidance as taught in the International Metaphysical Ministry’s Universities of Sedona and Metaphysics.
The International Metaphysical Ministry remains respectful of the individuality and independence of our Metaphysical graduates, ministers, teachers, and practitioners, encouraging independent research, the use of individual talents, modalities, and points of view, with the only requirement being that they stay true to the basic precepts of their Metaphysical education from the Founder.
Creating the World’s Largest Non-Secular and Theological Schools
Both universities offer life-improving, consciousness expanding curriculum that is strictly non-secular and theological in nature, and they have become the world’s largest schools of their kind, spanning over 120 countries and having enrolled over 14,000 students and graduates.
As Dr. Masters always wanted students and graduates to have options to continue learning and keep current with new developments in the field, the universities now offer enrolled students and graduates an opportunity to participate in postgraduate Continuing Education.
In addition, the websites, Newsletters, pearls of Timeless Wisdom, and the Metaphysical Blog continue to offer tools and resources for self-development and uplifting humanity through the archives of inspirational Improve Your Life–Daily Audio Messages, Weekly Inspirational Lectures, and the Mystical Insights teachings.
Reaching out to Transform the World
The University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona continue to grow, with a worldwide student population in the thousands. As he always wanted students and graduates to keep current with new developments, the universities continue to offer enrolled students and graduates an opportunity to participate in postgraduate continuing education.
Devoted to the preservation, continuation, and expansion of Dr. Masters’ legacy is a Board of Directors and professional university staff, each with many years of experience in various aspects of the metaphysical field. Considering the dedication and experience of Dr. Masters and his staff, you will always be able to say with pride, “I received my doctoral degree from the most prominent, well-respected metaphysical universities in the world—the University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona.”
In 1959, Dr. Masters opened the Institute of Parapsychology in the heart of Beverly Hills, California. The aim of the institute was to research expanded, higher states of consciousness as they relate to spiritual reality and human self-betterment. This goal was accomplished through more Eastern forms of advanced meditation together with adaptable forms of self-hypnotic techniques. He attracted a large following of students and soon had to relocate to the Hollywood area where larger space was available. During the same time period, Dr. Masters trained his first few teachers.
As a follow-up to the research findings amassed in the Institute of Parapsychology, in 1963 Dr. Masters opened a meditation foundation in the Los Angeles area for study and research to focus primarily on the practices and results of meditation. Thousands of research experiences by students were recorded, and the consequential effects on their daily lives and spiritual unfoldment were noted. During this time, Dr. Masters also trained numerous meditation teachers.
In 1965, information gathered from the previous years of research, in the form of printed study materials, began to spread beyond the Southern California area to all parts of the United States. As a result of people from all parts of the country expressing excitement about learning and also teaching the spiritual truths revealed in the study materials, Dr. Masters founded the National Metaphysics Institute. In so doing, he created specific ministerial ordination programs allowing students to study metaphysics and obtain ministerial status through distance learning and home study.
Dr. Masters recorded The Voice of Meditation album which sold in large quantities in various metaphysical organizations, particularly the Unity Church, nationwide.
In 1976, Dr. Masters applied for and gained the legal right to establish the University of Metaphysics and grant non-secular bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. These degrees, up to doctoral degree specialization, were to be granted to those who had been ordained by the National Metaphysics Institute ministry and were desirous of taking more classes to develop their education. Dr. Masters began to advertise the doctoral program in various regional and national magazines related to metaphysics. As if by Divine plan, enrollments came from all over the United States, as well as the entire world.
By 1989, thousands of students from throughout the world had enrolled in the distance–learning doctoral degree programs. To meet the needs of this enormous growth, Dr. Masters incorporated the International Metaphysical Ministry, which exists up to the present day.
In 1996, Dr. Masters produced 31 new meditations for The Voice of Meditation series. These 31 meditations were to answer the spiritual needs of those who had requested guided meditations oriented to mystical union and transpersonal/transcendent awareness.
In 2002, Dr. Masters visited Sedona, Arizona – a place he had heard of for years as having a great deal of metaphysical activity. He had met a number of people who told him of spiritual experiences that occurred for them in the energy vortexes in the area. The spiritual energy and the inspiring beauty of Sedona, combined with inner Higher Guidance caused him to take steps to create and establish a university there. In 2003, he founded the University of Sedona, under the same non-secular rights as the University of Metaphysics. The University of Sedona awards degrees at the doctoral level.
In 2004, in order to centralize the function of the two university programs, the University of Metaphysics was moved in its entirety (all accumulated records of thousands of students and graduates) to the Sedona area.
2005 – 2016
The University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona continue to grow, with a worldwide student population in the thousands represented in over 120 countries.
The following University of Sedona Doctoral degree specialties are added:
- Metaphysical Hypnosis, Mhyp.D.
- Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., specializing in Metaphysical Parapsychology.
- Metaphysical Psychology, Mpsy.D.
- Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., specializing in Mystical Research.
- Bible Interpretation, D.D.
- Doctor of Holistic Life Astrology, D.Ast. *
- Doctor of Medical Chaplaincy, Mch.D. *
Through the University of Metaphysics:
- Certification in the Holistic Life Coaching Institute *
Through the International Metaphysical Ministry:
- Certification in the Counseling Psychology Association*
* No longer available
As he always wanted students and graduates to keep current with new developments, the universities continue to offer enrolled students and graduates an opportunity to participate in postgraduate Continuing Education, which includes the following:
- Master’s in Business Administration. MBA.M. specializing in Metaphysics.
- Doctor of Theocentric Psychology, PsyThD.
- Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., specializing Relationship Dynamics.
Dr. Masters made spiritual tools and resources, including interviews, available worldwide on his websites through his free Improve Your Life–Daily Audio Messages, Weekly Inspirational Lectures, and the Mystical Insights teachings.
Dr. Masters formed a new division of the International Metaphysical Ministry called the Theocentric Life Society, dedicated to teaching others how to live a life of higher consciousness with Universal God Guidance at the center.
Dr. Masters made his gentle transition on January 10, 2016.
Please visit the In Memoriam page dedicated in Dr. Master’s honor.
“Yet, if the mystical truth be told, everyone already exists in an after-death or astral plane. We exist there all our physical lives, from the time we take our first physical breath-and yes, even before that. We are many lives being lived simultaneously.”
—Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Dr. Masters’ vision, teachings, and legacy continue to live on and thrive through the dedication and commitment of Our Team in Sedona, and through his beloved students and graduates throughout the world.
Celebrating the Legacy of Dr. Paul Leon Masters
“There are numerous factors that contribute to one finding oneself in a position of starting anew. Metaphysically, each new start symbolizes the karmic release from something that was necessary to one’s human life experience, and the need to progress to the next step of one’s personal soul evolution.”
—Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Celebrating decades of Higher Consciousness Education and a lifetime of service.
2017 to Present
Continuing the Legacy of Dr. Paul Leon Masters
“The final goal of all metaphysics and of life itself is not the demonstration of success as populary acclaimed by society’s current standards, but God’s presence as the love that binds all created things together in a Universal Oneness of peace and harmony.
—Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Interview from the President of IMM on an episode of the Health Wealth and Happiness show through Verde Valley TV by Yavapai Broadcasting. Learn about their core values, metaphysics, and how the degree programs work. Plus, find out about the available resources for students and the general public and the future plans for IMM.
January 10, 2017 marked the one year anniversary of our beloved Founder, Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ transition to the other side. On behalf of the board of directors and university staff, we would like to take this opportunity to thank our members for their words of encouragement and support during this time of adjustment. Your support has meant so much.
Special thanks go out to our May 2016 IMM Convention attendees who participated in our first convention and graduation without Dr. Masters. It was a heartfelt and special time for us all. Dr. Masters dedicated his life to service and devoted 56 years to higher consciousness research and education. It was his desire and commitment that his teachings would be affordable and available to any person in need of them. He planned for his teachings to continue on long after his passing. We are passionately committed to fulfilling Dr. Masters’ wish that his students and graduates continue their ministries through their loving actions and service, and that the integrity of his teachings are maintained and preserved for future generations to follow.
In honor of Dr. Masters’ life’s work and in support of the continuation and expansion of his legacy, we have the pleasure and privilege of listing some of the projects we have put forward over the last few years:
- Timeless Wisdom Series: Never before released audio lectures by Dr. Masters, which span 30 years and cover a variety of spiritual and metaphysical topics. The pearls of wisdom contained within these lectures are indeed timeless treasures
- Never before released video lectures by Dr. Masters, which span 40 years. These include lectures and meditation workshops conducted at the Metaphysics Institute in Los Angeles, dating back to 1976
- The publication of Meditation Dynamics — For Self-Realization, Serenity, Intuitive Guidance, Success, and Mystical Illumination, taken from the bonus material of Dr. Masters’ study material. Now in book form and available to the public, Meditation Dynamics can be used as a tool for teaching and conducting workshops
- The revised edition of Dr. Masters’ first book, Mystical Insights: Knowing the Unknown.
- The publication of Spiritual Mind Powerful Affirmations — Practical, Mystical, and Spiritual Inspiration Applied to Your Life, featuring the affirmations from Dr. Masters’ Improve Your Life Inspirational Lectures
- An updated and expanded Study Material Section and newly enhanced Online Center for Members, Students and Graduates
- Developed new student tools to help students facilitate and enhance their studies. These include the following: Pre-formatted templates for theses and dissertations, Virtual Writing Assistant to assist in the thesis and dissertation writing process, and webinars.
Webinar topics:- Selecting Your Right Fit Metaphysical Degree (Includes a questionnaire)
- A University Student’s Journey: Enrollment through the Bachelors of Metaphysical Science Degree
- Thesis /Dissertation Webinars I and II
- The Easy Way to Ace Your Thesis or Dissertation with Outlining
- Thesis and Dissertation Topics: Help for Choosing
- Plagiarism: Avoiding it is Easy
- Supplemental study webinars for all the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Meditation Dynamics modules provide a classroom-type supplemental learning resource. They offer detailed explanations and insights based on the lessons written and presented by Dr. Masters when he taught them as live classes. The webinars are available in mp3 & mp4 format
- An online chat feature on all our websites, so we may better serve you
- The implementation of Trust Pilot, an online rating system, because we truly value your feedback
- The introduction of two new Ph.D., specialties: Conscious-Centered Living and Conscious Business Ethics
- Our 2019, 60th Anniversary Convention and Graduation in Sedona, AZ, with a record number of attendees from across the US and around the world participating.
- The introduction of electronic statements provides our members with an efficient, convenient, and earth-friendly way to receive statements
- The recent (2022) purchase and remodeling project of our new Administration office space to honor Dr. Masters’ legacy and better serve our students and graduates. Please note: Our new offices are located at 1785 W State Rte 89A Suites 3F & 3G, Sedona, AZ 86336, and our communication address will remain the same: 2675 W State Rte 89A, #465, Sedona, AZ 86336
We’ve Relocated—Our New Administrative Office

Make an appointment to visit our new physical location. If you can’t make it in person, take a virtual tour and see our staff in action by clicking on the picture to the left.
You can also take a Google 360 tour using this
link: https://goo.gl/maps/KFSNBJYPsAV1oV768.
Click on images to enlarge
- The addition of three new University of Sedona Doctoral Degrees:
– Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., specializing in Bible Interpretation
– Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., specializing in Metaphysical Science
– Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., specializing in Spiritual Healing