Dr. Greg A. Grove, D.D., PsyThD

Dr. Greg A. Grove was fortunate to have had a spiritually aware piano teacher, Ada Blanche Wadsworth (1898-1995), who loved to discuss metaphysical ideas with him from age 7 until he left home at age 18 for university. She would say, “I discovered Joel S. Goldsmith in 1960 and my life was changed radically.” It would be a few more years before Dr. Grove could fully understand all the Truth she freely shared.
Growing up, and especially during his college years, Dr. Grove explored many faith expressions and became expert in “speaking” Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Religious Science, Divine Science, and Unity. He read many illuminating texts, each proclaiming to have a deeper understanding of life and love. Yet, he was not completely fulfilled.
In 1994, Dr. Grove enrolled in courses at the University of Metaphysics that climaxed with a Doctor of Metaphysical Science, Msc.D., in 1995. He poured his soul into each assignment––especially into the dissertation, “Radiestheia: Door to the Infinite.” In 2015, he came across the new Theocentric Psychology Doctoral program at the University of Sedona and applied. Again, he was pleased with the depth of Dr. Masters’ teachings. He finalized his studies with the dissertation, “The Mind That Knows Not Itself: The Gospel of St. Matthew 6,” and earned his Doctor of Theocentric Psychology, PsyThD.
Today, he is a retired college/university professor, who relishes forays into Theocentric Prayer Therapy, a concept and practice he originated.
“Prayer has become one of the most exciting moments throughout my day, and I encourage others to pray and listen via The Lord’s Prayer, Contact Meditation, and Sacred Geometry. I still continue to read up a storm and find the infusion of spiritual insight as rewarding as ever,” says Dr. Grove, who is pleased to represent, as graduate, the University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona. Both have shared a wealth of insight, wisdom, and Truth with him and others, and they continue to bring joy and enthusiasm into his life.
For more information, please contact Dr. Greg A. Grove at:
Email: drgregagrove@gmail.com