Graduates in Action Worldwide
What Can I Do With My Metaphysical Degree?
To see the diverse and meaningful ways our participating graduates are making
a real difference across the globe, click on any picture.
The listings on the Graduates in Action Directory reflect the diverse, spiritual, and metaphysical services our participating graduates provide with their degree credentials earned through our University system throughout the United States and the world. See inspiring examples of the difference they make individually and collectively to uplift humanity. Participation is free. A minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Metaphysical Science, B.Msc., is required as well as good standing as an ordained metaphysical minister with the International Metaphysical Ministry (IMM). Graduates in Action provides an opportunity and a platform for our graduates to showcase their unique talents and services to a worldwide audience. It also shows meaningful examples of what you can do with your degree. The IMM does not favor, endorse, or recommend the services of one member over any other. It honors all religions, faiths, and spiritual paths equally.
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